Available options:
An initial width in pixels for the widget. This option is most useful where the widget is placed such that it is not being dynamically resized.
The height of the widget in pixels. If unspecified, it defaults to 18.
The maximum value for the progress bar.
Available options:
The maximum value for the progress bar.
The value set for the progress bar in its Unscored (blue bar) form.
The value for correct/pass (green bar) in the progress bar's Scored form.
The value for incorrect/fail (red bar) in the progress bar's Scored form.
package require ScoreProgress grid [ScoreProgress .c -width 300 -max 300] -padx 10 -pady 10 -sticky nsew grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 set a 0 ; while {$a < 35} { # ScoreProgress_update .c -completed $a # ScoreProgress_update .c -correct $a -incorrect 30 # ScoreProgress_update .c -completed $a -max 100 ScoreProgress_update .c -correct $a -incorrect 30 -max 100 after 10 incr a } |
This widget will dynamically resize as needed.
The ScoreProgress index page has more general info and screenshots.